The word was left for you


Ariana Grande sings that she is a Satanist.

Firstly and most importantly I wish to share my sympathies with those who died or who were injured at Ariana's concert, their families and friends. Also to those who had to deal with clearing away the bodies and taking the wounded to hospital and those who have seen death and mayhem up close and personal for the first time, even if they were not physically injured themselves.  Mental scars can be just as hard to heal.

Everything here is an opinion and a generalization. Please do not take offence if you disagree with this comment.

Here is an example of Arianna's songs (WARNING to Christians, Muslims and religious folk in general: This does contain immodestly dressed people and a declaration of Satanism. Skip the link if any of this would offend you but then you have to take my next statement on faith.

Listen to the words. This Is one of Ariana's songs at one point and she sings: "I will make a deal with the devil."

Is it surprising that Muslims take offence at her songs and think of her and her fans as Satanists?

Certainly she and her team do not dress modestly as a God fearing person should.

Unfortunately Muslims take these things very seriously and are down right violent about imposing their opinion. It may not be all Muslims but do this show in a Muslim Country and the performers would almost certainly be beheaded.

As a Christian I would advise everyone to pay attention to the words of songs you listen not only personally on the radio, but also in shops and the songs your children listen to. Making deals with the devil should not be taken lightly and I would hope they were not a part of main stream popular music.  I would certainly censor any such song in my house.  That is I do not approve either but I am not going to go arround killing people because of it.

Non-religious folk may not worry about these things but doing so you are running not only the wrath of Muslims but also the wrath of God assuming he does, contrary to your belief, exist.  Muslims are much more likely to attack amoral shows.

Taking the lives of young people, should also not be taken lightly. I am fairly certain that most of the people at the Ariana concert last night were not die hard Satanists. Just young people growing up in a hedonistic society.

I would ask our Muslim friends to be less literal.  I would also ask them to stop killing people because you cannot save a dead person. If a sinner is alive then there is a chance that they can become god fearing.

I would also hope that Muslims discover God as a Loving rather than an angry God and become Christians, but then being one I think that goes without saying.

O.M.G. is a very dangerous thing to say

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.
Exodus 20:3 N.K.J.V.
O.M.G. means "Oh My God" or "Oh My Gosh" a corruption of the same and if you are not using it in that meaning then you are in trouble with the Almighty. Unless you mean it.

Please be careful what you say.

If it is taken lightly It can be very damaging to your life. It can  lose you friends make enemies or break up marriages or relationships.  You may think I exaggerate, but let me explain.

If it  is said at the alter to your bride to tell God how beautiful she is. It can make marriages last in lives of mutual respect and love.

Whereas, saying "O.M.G." or "Oh My God!" during sex with someone you hardly know is almost certainly idolatry. You are worshipping the sex not God.  Worshipping anything other than God is idolatry. Idolatry, a separate sin, curses your children to third and fourth generation.

It is not only taking the Lord's name in vane and a form of Idolatry it is also fornication, which is also a sin but not one of the ten commandments.

The basis of any sound society is the family and families are based in marriage. Agreeing to love each other as long as you both shall live in front of God, friends and family the whole community.
Fornication is the antithesis of this. It is just sex for the pleasure of it. It leads to broken homes single mums who cannot be good mums and get food on the table and dads who do not care. A life where every one looks out for just number one and that is not God.

Be careful which side of the fence you are on.  On God's side with your friends and family supporting your relationship is so much easier than fighting for a life on your own.
Exodus 20:2
You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments.
Some Christians hold that the Cross/Crucifix in churches is a graven image, which it often is or possibly a cast or molten image and so you should not bow down to them.

This implies the hall of worship should be empty of any and all graven images.

If you follow this logic it implies we should not have them. This is the Why and How some of us stopped having crosses or any other graven image in churches.

If you want revival PRAY!

Pray for your family,

Pray for your friends

Pray for your neighbours

Pray for you coleagues

Pray for you competitors

Pray for your enemies.

Pray for the world

Pray that God's Kingdom comes in you life your families, friends neighbours, competitors and enemies lives and for the well being of the whole world

Pray for understanding pray for clear vision of god's vision pray that his love can flow through you.

Pray for love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Pray for the holy spirit in your life and so you can be in his.

Thy will be done thy kingdom come in my heart, our hearts and the hearts of all.


Why the Universal set is a paradox and yet has to exist.

A paradox is something that is neither true nor false. e.g. This is false. If that statement were false then it must be true. If it were true then it must be false.  Both ways around it contradicts itself. It is neither true nor false it is in fact the simplest paradox.

Mathematicians know Russell's paradox means you cannot have a Universal set of everything in mathematics.  Otherwise it causes paradoxes.

According to naive set theory, any definable collection is a set.

Let R be the set of all sets that are not members of themselves.

If R is not a member of itself, then its definition dictates that it must contain itself.

If it contains itself, then it contradicts its own definition and so cannot be contained in the set R.

This means the set R is invalid in mathematics, which as a search for consistent truth excludes paradoxes. This is why mathematicians use a more complicated definition of sets called ZFC set theory which includes the axiom of choice. This theory enforces the exclusion of paradoxes and in the process excludes the Universal set that is the naive set U that contains everything, even itself

Mathematics restricts itself to all the self consistent beliefs to provide some very useful tools such as counting and fractions and percentages that can be relied on to give consistent results every time.

So the Universal set is quite correctly excluded from mathematics because if mathematics allowed paradoxes it would not be at all useful in science or accounting or the running of our daily lives.

From a philosophical point of view it is hardly surprising that the Universal set includes paradoxes, because the naive set of everything that exists has to include paradoxes because paradoxes exist.  Paradoxes are just as real as numbers and as easily logically defined. 

However, both mathematics and philosophy are based in words. Words do include paradoxes and Russell's Paradox as a part of the naive philosphical Universal set which is a philosophical not mathematical concept.

The Universal set may not be useful in mathematics but it is useful in finding an abstract definition of God.

The Universal set Contains everything so it is omnipresent.

The Universal set Contains all knowledge so it is omniscient.

The Universal set contains all possible outcomes even the ones we might call fictional or paradoxical. So it is omnipotent.

The Universal set Contains the creation of time and the whole of time until beyond the end of the Universe.  So it is eternal.

The Universal set Contains the foundation of the Universe and can be called the foundation of everything if not the creator.

The Universal set contains all life and so it is alive in the same way a city is alive or a snail with hard lifeless shell and lively hiddden body. If you take extremes as Issac Asimov did it leads to Gaia, Galaxia and on a much bigger scale the whole of existent abstract and physical being alive.
The Universal set is a paradox.  Paradoxes are based in words not numbers.  Words are symbols used to share meaning.

Words are only useful if you have some knowledge and know some one to share it with.

Lying is abusing the symbols to not share meaning.  This effectively stops lies from being words.

The fact that the Universal set shares meanings implies that it is by and large benevelont. However be aware of the anger of God if you know of his word and do not respect it, the Bible repeats over and over the stories of various kings and cultures that have died and disappeared because they did not fear God.

Yet another paradox of the God of Love. If you love him and let him lead you in life you find love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control.  These can help you even through illness, imprisonment torture and death. It is inside you, mind and soul.

The Universal set is a paradox.  It shares the meaning that the Universal set cannot be contained by mathematics.

The Universal set also defines all the primordial features of God. It is omnipresent, omniscient, the creator, eternal, omnipotent, it is alive.

On the positive side of this This does have an effect on the laws on Thermodynamics.  As we can build sand castles so may God.  It may be that he just has not yet or we have not recognised them as his work. Although that is one of the promises of the second coming. We get to live in heaven or hell for all eternity.

An eternity without sex

There is only one reason for sex and that is to replace our perishable bodies.  If we lived for ever there would be no need nor I suspect desire for sex.

If your eternal soul living in Paradise lives for ever, why would you want children? To replace yourself and inherit the earth after your death? As your eternal soul will last for ever and creating children just leads to over crowding. There is no point in having sex or even sexual organs in Paradise.

God made our earthly bodies for a life followed by death. So our children can inherit the earth and their children after them.  This is the fallen creation where everything is corrupted and death was let in. Our sexual organs hormones and desires are created for life within the fallen Creation.  To replace us with new generations.

This is one reason, I believe, the Muslim idea of paradise with many virgins given to every man just does not add up.  In the first place there are not that many virgins in the second place in a perfect heaven there would be no need for sex.

We Christians imagine God The Father and the angels as mainly masculine figures, when in fact God the Father does not need a wife as he is everything there cannot be a wife outside him. He has to be a sexless God.

We as the Churh are described as the Bride of Christ.  That does not mean we are women. That refers to the love shared with him. He loves from the inside out and the outside in.  It is the intimacy of his love for us and our love for him that is being expressed.  The closest to which we can understand on Earth is the love of husband and wife.

Modesty and morality

The Bible and the Koran both tell us to dress modestly.  The material world advertises sex as love, which it is not.  Lust is a selfish desire to fulfil one's own desires.  Love is the desire to serve the needs of others.  In a loving marriage both can exist together.  The Materialist world quite literally advertises the opposite.  The fastest route to power for a young person is their sex appeal.

Looking at the gyrating hips of a pop star is looking at an Idol (Idolatry) and is lustful.  There is no desire to do the pop star any good, it is just a desire for sexual gratification with said pop star.

Immodest dress leads to immoral thoughts in undisciplined people.  Muslim's, to my mind wrongly, put the blame for the immoral thoughts on the person who is immodestly dressed.  I put the blame squarely on the lack of self-discipline.

Having said that self-discipline is something that takes time to learn, which is why being modestly dressed is important in both books.  Lying on a beach almost completely naked is being immodestly dressed.

It provokes in a lot of Muslim minds an implication of immorality, whether there is immorality there or not.  Given that 94% of Britain’s are not religious the immorality could be very real.

I write this not to excuse the attacks in Tunisia but to explain them.  If you want to stand out as a Christian; dress modestly, even on the beach.

Remember that Pop Idols and Fashion models and film stars are mostly Satanists, whether they know it or not.  They want people to worship them and not God.  Some say I feel possessed when on stage.  Quite probably they are.